What Is PRP?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a powerful growth substance. It is a golden yellow substance obtained from blood, and it is packed with growth factors. When reintroduced to the body, it can effectively stimulate your body’s healing and growth processes.

Why Should I Choose PRP for Face?

PRP facial rejuvenation is a safe and effective choice for addressing a variety of concerns without the need for foreign substances, surgery, or highly invasive techniques. It may be used to:

  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promote a more even skin tone or texture
  • Reduce volume loss
  • Tighten or smooth skin

When applied to areas of the face, PRP immediately gets to work to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is an important fibre to provide skin with structure, but production naturally declines over time.

What Could I Expect from the PRP Treatment Process?

Any PRP for face treatment begins with harvesting PRP. The process begins with obtaining a blood sample. The blood is then placed in a special centrifuge, which spins at a rapid rate to isolate the growth factors from the rest of the blood.

Once it has been purified and enriched, the PRP is injected to the face. Your skin absorbs the growth factors and will be begin to turn on the cycle of stimulating new collagen.

There is little downtime associated with the treatment process, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities within 24hrs.  While there is little discomfort associated with the treatment experience, skin may be sensitive and tender following treatment. As the treatment involves micro needling there is a small risk of bruising, but should be easily covered with make-up.

Results achieved with PRP for face will vary for each person and concern addressed. However, it is important to remember results may take some time to enjoy as your body produces new fibres. Collagen production takes on average 12-20 weeks to become apparent as it is a natural process of your body which we are stimulating.

Could I Benefit from PRP for Face?

One of the best benefits of choosing PRP facial rejuvenation is how many people may be able to benefit from it! As it uses substances from your own body, this makes it a safe and effective choice for most people, particularly those hesitant to choose treatments with foreign substances.

A consultation with our Nursing staff can help you better understand this treatment and if it is right for you. They can also help you develop your unique treatment plan.