Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, as it relates to hair loss, refers to the use of a patient’s own platelet cells, taken from their blood and reinjected to stimulate hair growth. Platelets are a part of our blood are rich in various growth factors and cytokines that have the ‘potential’ to stimulate hair growth. PRP is not helpful for all patients with hair loss, but is helpful in a proportion of individuals with hair thinning. In carefully selected patients, current estimates suggest that a benefit is attained in at least 30-40 % of patients. For patients, when other medical or surgical solutions are not possible or desirabl, PRP provides an alternate therapy).

Who is a candidate for PRP?

In general, PRP is suitable for:

  1. Individuals with hair thinning who do not wish to start minoxidil (Rogaine) or hormone blocking medications
  2. Individuals with hair thinning who started minoxidil (Rogaine) or hormone blocking medications but stopped on account of side effects.
  3. Individuals with hair thinning who had an improvement in their hair with minoxidil (Rogaine) or hormone blocking medications and wish to try to achieve even further improvement.
  4. Individuals who did not have improvement with low level laser therapy (LLLT).
  5. Individuals undergoing hair transplantation.
  6. Individuals with scarring hair loss conditions or alopecia areata who did not respond to standard treatments

Our PRP Program is a highly specialized treatment program and not all patients qualify to start PRP.

Our PRP Program is a highly specialized treatment program and not all patients qualify to start PRP.

ALL PATIENTS MUST meet AT LEAST ONE of the following 4 criteria in order to start PRP treatments.

  1. been diagnosed with ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA (MALE PATTERN BALDING or FEMALE PATTERN HAIR LOSS) by Dr. Condon and the individual does not wish to start treatment with FDA approved treatments such as minoxidil (Rogaine) and/or hormone blocking medications.
  2. been diagnosed with ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA (MALE PATTERN BALDING or FEMALE PATTERN HAIR LOSS) by Dr. Condon and used minoxidil (Rogaine) and/or hormone blocking medications but ultimately stopped these medications on account of side effects.
  3. been diagnosed with ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA (MALE PATTERN BALDING or FEMALE PATTERN HAIR LOSS) by Dr. Condon and is currently using minoxidil (Rogaine) or hormone blocking medications and wishes to try to achieve even further improvement through use of PRP
  4.   has been diagnosed scarring hair loss conditions or alopecia areata who did not respond to standard treatments.
Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How long does the PRP treatment session take?

A PRP ‘session’ take 45 – 60 minutes

  1. How often is it repeated?

After the first treatment, we do a booster PRP at 3 months followed by treatment sessions every 3-6 months (2-4 times yearly).  All patients require a follow up appointment at 9 months (6 months after the second PRP treatment) to determine if the treatment is working.

In our opinion, there is yet to be any good evidence that more frequent treatments initially (i.e. monthly) are more effective. We understand all the algorithms that existing for doing PRP (i.e. month 1, 2, 3, and them every 4-6 month). We feel this approach is a balanced one.

  1. What are the basic steps in doing PRP treatment at Donovan Medical?
  1. Arrive at the office and meet with our nurse to complete your consent form (10 minutes)
  2. Your scalp will be numbed up (frozen) with local anaesthetic cream
  3. Our nurse will get you in a comfortable position and take 120 mL of blood (15 minutes).
  4. The blood is placed in the centrifuge system and spun down – (25-30 minutes)
  5. You will be allowed to sit and relax for 20-30 minutes while the machine spins the blood
  6. After the machine has finished, the PRP is injected into your scalp (20 minutes). 120 mL of blood taken in step 2 ultimately gives us approximately 17-20 mL of PRP for injection throughout the scalp – a volume we feel is essential in treating hair loss. Approximately 50-75 injections are done.
  7. The scalp is then cleaned to make sure you leave the centre as similar as to when you entered.  (5 minutes)

TOTAL TIME: 60 minutes

  1. What do you do to limit pain during the procedure ? 

We use lidocaine injections using  a tiny needle. These are injected into the areas of hair loss and allowed to take effect for 20 minutes. The areas are then tested after 20 minutes and if more freezing is needed, it is administered.

  1. Are numbing creams used? 

We do not use numbing creams in our office. We have not found the use of EMLA and similar numbing creams alters the pain of injections. However, we have found that the use of vibration devices and by injecting slowly that the procedure is much less painful. 

  1. Do I need to stop my Rogaine, Laser or other treatments before my PRP treatment? 

No, this is not necessary.

  1. Is there a shedding period after a treatment?

Usually not. It’s fairly rare to get significant shedding with PRP but ANY treatment that stimulates hair growth (minoxidil, finasteride, low level laser does have the potential to cause shedding).

  1. How soon after the procedure can I wash my hair?

Most patients wash their hair the following morning.  Please refer to our PRE and POST Procedure


Pre and Post PRP Care
  1. Does PRP work only if you take minoxidil (Rogaine) or finasteride (Propecia)?

No. PRP treatment is separate from minoxidil and fiansteride. You can potentially get benefits from PRP even if minoxidil and finasteride are not used.  However, the combination of treatments usually works better than single treatments.

  1. Does PRP help to just maintain what hair you have or improve density?

PRP can do both. Improvement in density is of course the goal we hope for.

  1. Is Propecia a better option for men with genetic balding than PRP?

No. Propecia is a more effective option but side effects are much greater.

  1. How do I prepare for my PRP session?

Please review our PRP Pre and Post procedure Steps

  1. What are the limitations AFTER my PRP procedure? For example, what can’t I do?

The main limitations are to avoid aspirin, and alcohol.  It’s okay to exercise right after. Please refer to our PRE and POST Procedure Steps

Pre – Procedure Instructions & Tips

We are looking forward to seeing you soon for your PRP session at Donovan Medical. Please plan to be here about 60 hour to 90 minutes Here are a few pre-procedure instructions that we find help optimize the results of the PRP.


  • Please increase your intake of fluid the day before your procedure by simply drinking 2 glasses of water in the morning before your PRP session, 2 glasses at lunch and 2 glasses at dinner.  (Please don’t drink water too late in the evening or you’ll be up using the washroom at night)
  • On the actual day of your procedure simply have a bottle of water (500 mL) before your session.
  • Please eat a normal breakfast or lunch the day of your PRP session.


  • Feel free to wash your hair the morning of the PRP session (or at least the day before)


  • You may continue other hair loss treatments such as minoxidil, laser, hormone blocking tablets before your procedure. If you are not sure if you should be stopping a medication, please ask.


  • It is fine to colour your hair up to 3 days before the procedure


  • Discontinue blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids and least one week before your treatment.
  • Please stop multivitamins one week before your procedure as well.
  • It’s fine to continue iron and vitamin D.


  • Avoid alcohol for three days before your PRP session
  • If possible, stop smoking or limit smoking for three days prior to your procedure. The more the better as we find it really impacts on the healing process!


  • Avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren and other anti inflammatory medications for 3 days before your procedure (if possible please avoid for 7 days). We want inflammation to occur – as this is one mechanism by which PRP works! You may take Tylenol for any pains, discomforts or joint pains you may have.
Post – Procedure Instructions & Tips

It is not necessary to make many changes in your plans today – do whatever you wish with the exception of avoiding aspirin and alcohol.   It is quite normal to experience some mild soreness and rarely swelling, not all individuals experience this, but it can occur. Let us know if you have concerns and need our help.


  • Please shampoo your hair tomorrow morning with any shampoo you wish


  • It is fine to colour your hair three days after the procedure


  • Wearing a hat today is fine if you wish to.  In fact, please limit sun on the area for 2 days.


  • Do not use blood thinning agents such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids and least one week after your treatment


  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes for the next three days.


  • Avoid smoking for three days (if possible) – we find it makes a big difference to healing.


  • Avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Voltarol and other anti-inflammatory medications for 3 days after your procedure (if possible try for 7 days). We want inflammation to occur!